The Scottish Terrier Club of Chicago was formed and exists to encourage and promote the breeding of quality Scottish Terriers. It is committed to protect and advance the interests of the breed, to provide information about the breed to the Scottish Terrier Fancier and to the general public and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows.
As a member of the STCC I agree to:
- Be actively involved in the club.
- Provide accurate information about the breed.
- Be familiar with the American Kennel Club official standard.
- Assist and support Scottish Terrier Rescue.
- Conduct myself in a manner that reflects credit upon the Club and myself.
As a member of the STCC who owns a Scottish Terrier I agree to:
- Provide proper housing, food and veterinary and other supportive care for my Scottish Terrier.
- Exercise proper control and restraint over my Scottish Terrier at all times and not allow the dog to run at large.
As a member of the STCC who breeds one or more litters I agree to:
- Comply with the AKC rules concerning record keeping, registration, identification, sale and transfer of dogs.
- Utilize current veterinary tests to screen for genetic/infectious diseases prior to breeding.
- Breed only mature, healthy, quality Scottish Terriers to produce healthy, quality puppies.
- Provide appropriate care to puppies to promote physical and emotional development.
- Provide written information to the new owner of the puppy including instructions on care and feeding, medical records and conditions of sale.
- Sell companion animals with limited AKC registration or a spay/neuter agreement.
- Provide stud service only to quality, healthy bitches with the agreement that the resulting puppies sold as companion animals will be sold with limited AKC registration or a spay/neuter agreement.
- Not act as a broker for another breeder's puppies, sell to pet stores, sell an individual puppy or a litter to a broker or commercial breeder.
- Assume ongoing lifetime responsibility for the dogs produced. (I will take back dogs that I have bred that are no longer wanted).
By signing this Code of Ethics, I acknowledge that I understand and agree with the purpose of the Scottish Terrier Club of Chicago, that I will do my best to promote the best interests of the club and the breed and that I will not engage in any practice that is unethical or prejudicial to the interests of the club or breed.
Code of Ethics last revised 1997
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