If you have an interest in the Scottish Terrier, consider becoming a member of the STCC. The membership is dedicated to the interests and welfare of this special breed. By attending club functions and becoming an active club member you will contribute to the encouragement and promotion of breeding quality Scottish Terriers. You will make a commitment: to protect and advance the interests of the breed; to provide information about the breed to the Scottish Terrier Fancier and to the general public; to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows.

Application Requirements:

  • Completing an application
  • Signing the STCC Code of Ethics and agreeing to abide by its Constitution and By-Laws 
  • Attending two (2) meetings 
  • Becoming sponsored by two members in good standing that know you personally. (The sponsors may not be from the same household.)
  • The applicant is expected to complete the requirements for membership within 6 months from the date the application is submitted. 
  • Membership dues shall be $35.00 for single membership per year. $45.00 for family membership, payable on July 1st of each year. Please enclose a check made payable to STCC for the appropriate dues payment with your application. 
  • There is a one-time non-refundable application fee of $35.00, also made payable to STCC and attached to the application. 
  • Once the requirements are met the application will be presented to the membership for acceptance into the STCC.

Please contact us for an application and more information. 

Membership in the Scottish Terrier Club of Chicago, Inc.

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